Friday, August 23, 2013

Why support the core?

Why support the core?
Sent to the NY Times, August 23, 2013

Charles Blow ("The Common Core and the Common Good," August 21),  tells us that education leaders he has talked to agree that we need to  support teachers,  provide “wrap-around” services for poor and struggling students; make schools safe, welcoming, fun places with recess and art and music and nutritious food, and promote parental engagement.

If Mr. Blow agrees with these sensible ideas, why does he support the common core? The common core, characterized by Susan Ohanian as "a radical untried curriculum overhaul and … nonstop national testing," costs billions and will cost billions more, while worthwhile programs, such as those Mr. Blow approves of, are underfunded.

Stephen Krashen

Original article:

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